Dokdo, the easternmost territory of Korea, is very meaningful to Koreans. It is mainly composed of two islets and the total area is about 187,450 square meters. Today, Dokdo remains as a place of heated disputation in between Korea and Japan. Although, there are strong historical evidence and records that Dokdo is indisputably Korean territory since the 6th Century, Japan now insists that Dokdo is Japanese territory called Takeshima. The purpose of this blog is to spread the awareness of Dokdo.
Monday, September 20, 2010
First meeting!
There were two interviews on September 18 and 19th, 2010.
I am very glad that these members became part of our group.
We are expecting to perform even better this semester to raise awareness of our island Dokdo.
Please keep in touch and support us all the time :)
Friday, September 17, 2010
Minneapolis Activities Fair

Thank you so much for those who have stopped by at our table, and anybody who have shown great interests to our group! Thank you for your generous and sincere support and we greatly appreciate it! We will inform you about future plans with our group via e-mail soon. We hope to see you in near future!
Dokdo's Our Land (독도는 우리땅) Lyrics
Now you can listen to the song, 독도는 우리땅 (Dokdo is Our Land), when you visit this blog through the school address ( Below is the lyrics for the song. Enjoy! I will be sure to translate as soon as possible!! You might have to wait just a little bit to hear the song, or try reloading the page. The song does not include all the verses written below.
독도는 우리땅 (노래 정광태)
박인호 작사.작곡 김창환 편
울릉도 동남쪽 뱃길따라 이백리 외로운 섬하나 새들의 고향
그누가 아무리 자기네 땅이라고 우겨도 독도는 우리땅
경상북도 울릉군 울릉읍 독도리 동경백삼십이 북위 삼심칠
평균기온 십이도 강수량은 천삼백 독도는 우리땅
오징어 꼴뚜기 대구 명태 거북이 연어알 물새알 해녀 대합실
십칠만 평방미터 우물하나 분화구 독도는 우리땅
지증왕 십삼년 섬나라 우산국 세종실록지리지 오십쪽에 셋째줄
하와이는 미국땅 대마도는 몰라도 독도는 우리땅
러일전쟁 직후에 임자없는 섬이라고 억지로 우기면 정말 곤란해
신라장군 이사부 지하에서 웃는다 독도는 우리땅
울릉도 동남쪽 뱃길따라 이백리 외로운 섬하나 새들의 고향
그누가 아무리 자기네 땅이라고 우겨도 독도는 우리땅