Task: Use your talented artistic sense to design a t-shirt or the logo of the group (Korea's Island Dokdo) or Dokdo (the island) to raise the awareness of the group and the Dokdo at the same time. The name of our group includes the name of the island that we are working hard to raise the awareness. A little research on Dokdo might be necessary and even helpful to create and deliver a clear key message…OR maybe to win the contest :D
Submission: Please send your art pieces to our group e-mail address: dokdo@umn.edu.
We will post them on our Facebook page.
Information about the group: The group called Korea's Island Dokdo was founded in the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities by four passionate Korean students.This organization is trying to raise the awareness of Korea's Island Dokdo to Minnesotans. We do not limit our reach within Minnesota community, but expand throughout the continent and reach people all around the world to ask for the supports.Our mission is to raise the awareness and interests on Korea's Island Dokdo from people around the globe.
Information about the Island, Dokdo: Dokdo, the easternmost territory of Korea, is very meaningful to Koreans. It is mainly composed of two islets and the total area is about 187,450 square meters. Today, Dokdo remains as a place of heated disputation in between Korea and Japan. Although, there are strong historical evidence and records that Dokdo is indisputably Korean territory since the 6th Century, Japan now insists that Dokdo is Japanese territory called Takeshima.
Please refer to the following social media network to find more information about our group and Dokdo. Googling might be the better option if you want to find more information.
Blog: http://www.tc.umn.edu/~dokdo
SUA Homepage: http://sua.umn.edu/groups/directory/show.php?id=2522
Looking forward to seeing great creative submissions!
- Korea's Island Dokdo -
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